Tverberg on globalization

Todd Bennington | Kingdom Exploration Media

The below article by Gail Tverberg at is something of a mixed bag. Doom-and-gloom predictions as to the finite nature of energy resources should probably be taken with a grain of salt. Still, it contains some salient truths regarding globalization that most major media sources are reticent to discuss. These include the fact that unrestrained immigration leads to lower wages for the working class, the tendency for developed countries to lose jobs to newly globalized developing countries with lower environmental and labor standards, and that the election of leaders with a nationalist orientation like Trump are the natural reaction of the electorate to the problems inherent in globalization.

The globalization process is typically presented in journalistic and academic settings as a problematic but ultimately inevitable result of market economics and technological developments. However, it’s arguably actually an ideology driven by the policy decisions of those who stand to benefit from it.